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Wright's Writing

On how to live
When I was younger, I used to wonder: should I care what people think of me? I saw arguments on both sides of the question. And I still...
Sep 13, 20206 min read

Thoughts on the analytic/synthetic distinction
Here's a paper I wrote long ago in which I tried to clarify some issues around the philosophical distinction between analytic and...
Aug 29, 202019 min read

"A refutation of Kantian and Benthamite ethics"
Here's a paper from my undergraduate days, which you might find mildly interesting in its outline (and critique) of both Kantian and...
Aug 26, 20206 min read

The relativity of values
Back in my twenties I had an intellectual and creative energy I don't have anymore. I was consumed by philosophy, jumping from topic to...
Aug 11, 202059 min read

"Awakenings," and the power of music
[From 2008.] Reading Oliver Sacks’s Awakenings, which is about his experiences with post-encephalitic, Parkinsonian patients. It’s a good...
Jul 14, 20166 min read

Various notes and excerpts
Over the years I've taken copious notes on various topics of philosophy. In case anyone is interested, I'll link to several sets of such...
May 26, 20161 min read

Bertrand Russell, and David Hume, on philosophy
[Old notes.] Reading The Problems of Philosophy (1912) by Bertrand Russell. I’m inclined to agree with most of it. (In a lot of ways I’m...
May 19, 201612 min read

On the use and abuse of “perspective” for life
[Excerpt from this book.] There are delights and dangers in adopting a broad perspective on oneself and one’s society. Looking at the...
Jan 22, 20163 min read

The paradox of free will
[From an email.] Jerry Coyne does not impress me [in this talk], although at least he seems less irrational and annoying than Daniel...
Jan 10, 20165 min read

Thoughts on thinkers
[Some notes I took a while ago. They may be kind of obvious, but I think it’s interesting to adopt something like Hegel’s perspective on...
Sep 28, 20152 min read

"The human harvest"
From Peter Marin: “Kant called the realm of [human] connection the kingdom of ends. Erich Gutkind’s name for it was the absolute...
Sep 10, 20151 min read

Excerpts on happiness
It’s a cliché but it’s worth repeating: one cause of modern loneliness is the attitude of treating people as means to an end, namely...
Aug 8, 20153 min read

In defense of Socrates
(This is the sequel to the blog post "From the Greeks to the Enlightenment." From my book Finding Our Compass.) Nietzsche ridiculed the...
Apr 18, 20153 min read
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