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Wright's Writing

Homeless men in the Great Depression
Here's another over-long blog post. It's a chapter from my dissertation, on homeless men during the Great Depression. I'm not sure it's...
Aug 21, 202053 min read

I hate economics
I'm an imbecile at economics. Over the years, I've tried to educate myself, but it never really works. My brain does philosophy and...
Aug 9, 202027 min read

Capitalism and colonialism
As I frequently and tiresomely reiterate, academic writing tends toward sophistry, superficiality, and obscurantism. Personally, my...
Jun 26, 20208 min read

Notes on a radical interpretation of the Cold War
[Also here]. I’ve been reading Gabriel and Joyce Kolko’s classic The Limits of Power: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1945–54...
Jul 30, 201918 min read

Thoughts on planning vs. the market
Been reading The People's Republic of Walmart: How the World's Biggest Corporations Are Laying the Foundation for Socialism. It's a good...
Jul 19, 20193 min read

100 (more or less) left-wing books
Here's a list of some good leftist books I've come across over the years. Click on the titles for the PDFs. It's a somewhat arbitrary...
Dec 13, 20185 min read

Brief notes on a classic historical work
[Old notes on David Montgomery’s great book Citizen Worker: The Experience of Workers in the United States with Democracy and the Free...
Dec 9, 20184 min read

Progressivism, or "the Triumph of Conservatism"
Years ago I took some notes on Gabriel Kolko’s classic The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History 1900–1916...
Mar 31, 20188 min read

The Origin of Capitalism
In history, few topics can be more relevant to our own world than the origin of capitalism. Ellen Meiksins Wood's book on that subject...
Mar 16, 20181 min read

Lecture on Reconstruction
[The following are lecture notes I wrote, based mainly on Eric Foner's classic Reconstruction. As I found out, they were more than a...
Nov 20, 201618 min read

A Marxist history of World War II
I recently read a book by Chris Bambery called The Second World War: A Marxist History (2014) and decided it was good enough to take...
Nov 17, 20161 min read

The meatpacking industry; or, hell on earth
Here are some excerpts from a review article of a book I’m reading called Slaughterhouse (1997), by Gail Eisnitz: [....] The agony starts...
Jul 22, 20165 min read

Notes on Theodor Adorno
[Old notes.] Reading Adorno: A Guide for the Perplexed, by Alex Thomson. I’m not very impressed with Adorno. Continental thinkers...
Jun 21, 20164 min read

"Sunbelt capitalism"
[Random journal notes.] Reading Elizabeth Tandy Shermer’s Sunbelt Capitalism: Phoenix and the Transformation of American Politics (2013)....
Jun 15, 20163 min read

More thoughts on the French Revolution
Marxism and the French Revolution.— Let’s grant that, as non-Marxists like to remind us, the French Revolution was precipitated more by...
May 16, 20166 min read

Glib thoughts on the fall of capitalism
The fulfillment of the [Marxian] prophecy.— As capital has become more mobile internationally since the 1970s (the era of globalization),...
Jan 24, 20162 min read

Fragments on bourgeois ideologists
On neoclassical economics.— Milton Friedman wrote a famous article in 1953 called “The Methodology of Positive Economics,” in which he...
Jan 12, 20166 min read

Economics as class war
Reading the Chomsky-recommended Political Economy and Laissez-Faire: Economics and Ideology in the Ricardian Era (1986), by Rajani Kanth....
Sep 26, 20157 min read

Saving Marxism from Lenin
[This is an excerpt from Notes of an Underground Humanist.] You should read Peter Kropotkin’s essay “The State: Its Historic Role.”...
Sep 13, 20154 min read

Thoughts on Marxian economics
According to Karl Marx, capitalism functions in such a way that its appearance differs from its essence. What happens in the...
Sep 5, 20154 min read
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